Installation Performance

Send Your Rain is an environmental scale work reflecting the reign of God’s spirit over all Creation. Imagery grew out of a spiritual search, rebirth and life in the tropical wonders of the West Indies.
Fourteen canvases in 4 sections, 4’H x 50’ W are painted in continuum. Three multi-tiered hanging panels of dyed silk gauze, respond to air currents flowing above the canvases.
A cloud passes across my face, revealing a village below…it passes again and covers the existence below from this heaven above…Around my feet curl cloud forest ferns, bromeliads collecting cloud drops and tiny orchids fall from arching trees above while no one heard…layers of dripping moisture, mist covered vines and palms suspend…crystal waters break through cooled rocks and gather into tumbling streams…down to the sea…floating on turquoise waters, splashing on the shore, rock me rhythmically…gently blowing wind, smiling clouds, emerald leaves and dancing seas.